It's All Fun and Games with Betty and ZZ

This site is inspired by two women who were early free-spirited adventurers, Betty and Mary (aka "Zsa Zsa"). All of the items listed here would have been made by Betty or owned by Zsa Zsa.

Betty sewed parachutes during WWII and married a flight instructor, Ned. She made most of her own clothes and traveled the world with her pilot husband and later her Pan Am stewardess daughter, Tana. Although she and her family moved to the Midwest, she never lost her Southern accent or enduring charm.

ZZ is actually short for Zsa Zsa, which is a nickname for "Mary," who was named Miss Belmar in 1936 at the Jersey Shore at age 15. She later married a lifeguard and went on to spend many years as a stage actress, after turning down a contract with Metro Goldwyn Mayer to raise a family. Upon becoming a grandmother, she announced that in lieu of any usual titles, she would be known to her grandchildren as "Zsa Zsa."

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